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Building a deck to enjoy emulation

Arcade deck with joystick and buttons

I recently built up a deck for a couple of reasons: 1 I wanted to verify how well the USB encoders we sell work across a variety of platforms, and 2 because I felt like playing some Raiden and I’m yet to obtain a full arcade cabinet 🙁

I chose a Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT joystick, 6 Sanwa OBSF-30 buttons and 2 Sanwa OBSF-24 buttons for ease of wiring – we can package our USB encoders with 2.8mm spade connectors which fit snuggly onto the button lugs and we can supply a 5 pin double ended cable that makes wiring the joystick really easy.

Under deck wiring

The 2.8mm female spade connectors slide on to the Sanwa lugs. They can be a tight fit – I’d prefer to leave them not fully engaged rather than risk bending the lug or snapping it off. Even half engaged they’re a solid connection.

The wiring has ended up a touch messy but that’s OK! I just shoved everything into the case and screwed the lid down.  Double sided tape works great to hold the encoder up out of the way.

You need to have a look at the labelling on the encoder to figure out the cable orientation. Note the labels – AU for up, AD for down, AR for right and AL for left. VDD really means ground in this application.

Joystick Encoder Connection

Looking at the stick from underneath the pins are (from top to bottom) – up, down, right, left, ground.

This is perfect for our double ended 5 pin cables – use the ground pin (VDD) on the encoder as your reference and make sure it goes to ground (the bottom pin) on your joystick. Everything else will work just fine.

Joystick Encoder Connection

This deck works really well for playing any game on my Windows 10 PC as it appears as a standard joystick in Windows.

I’ve also tested this setup in Retroarch on a Raspberry Pi 4 and on a MiSTer FPGA – all flawless and perfect for those seeking a reasonably priced deck.  Next steps now are to tweak the deadzone on my JLF stick and have fun with it.

You can purchase this setup as a bundle from us and save a few bucks and you can choose the button colours individually if that’s what you’re after. We’ll even assemble and test it if you’d like.

Here are the items in our shop used in this project:

Just use the coupon code DeckInABox when checking out to get $10 off the total price!

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New Sanwa Products

Sanwa elephant logo

We’re really pleased to let everyone know about some of the new Sanwa products we’re stocking here at Pincade. Some of these products have only just been released by Sanwa, others have been around a while but it’s the first time we’ve started carrying them. Let’s have a look at a few!

JL-C-ALL Joystick modding kit

Sanwa’s JL-C-ALL modding kit contains 4 actuators, 4 springs, 4 guide plates and 5 e-clips. This is the kit you’ll need if you really want to alter the feel of your JLF stick.


Grab it here!

JL-C-ALL joystick kit

LB-35 Clear Translucent Balltop

Sanwa LB35 transparent balltop

Sanwa’s translucent LB-35 balltop currently only comes in this clear style and it really is stunning. Perfectly clear it looks like a piece of crystal in your hand.


Grab it here!

LB-30 Clear Translucent Battop

Similar to the LB-35 above Sanwa only produces a clear battop but it’s equally as striking as the balltop.

Grab it here!

Sanwa LB30-T-W
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Gift Vouchers

Gift Card Merry Christmas

We’ve added gift vouchers to the Pincade shop! Our vouchers are  available in several values, buy one for yourself, a friend or loved one!  Or even a mortal enemy, we don’t mind. These vouchers are redeemable in the Pincade store, do not have an expiry date and can be used as full or partial payment. Remaining voucher credit stays with you and can be used for future purchases.

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Brook Gaming

Brook Gaming

We have a number of Brook Gaming products on their way including the Universal Fighting Board & Wingman XE / XB and NS Converter Boards.

The Brook UNIVERSAL FIGHTING BOARD PCB supports XBOX SERIES X|S, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U PC, Switch,  NEOGEO mini, PS Classic and MD mini. Low-delay design give you the best gaming experience.

The Wingman XB allows you to use your PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and
Nintendo Switch Pro controller on your Xbox One and Xbox 360 console.

The Wingman XE allows you to use your Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Elite /
Xbox Elite Series 2 controllers and arcade sticks on the PlayStation 4.

The Wingman NS allows you to use PS4/PS3/Xbox One/Xbox 360 controller and arcade sticks on your Switch!

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Sanwa Price Increase

Greetings All,

First off, a million thanks for your continued support.

Please note that from the 11th of November 2021, SANWA Denshi (Japanese manufacturer of one of the most popular arcade peripheral product lines) is increasing the price of their range from 11% to 15% (depending on product).

Unfortunately there will be a downstream price increase on the SANWA products we stock locally as our supplier needs to adjust their pricing upwards to compensate for the change.

We’ll attempt to keep our prices for SANWA stock as low as possible for our customers where possible on current and future stock lines.

Thanks for your understanding and continued support.

Tony & Kristan – Pincade.

Sanwa elephant logo

Official Price Increase announcement from SANWA Denshi (Translated)

Dear customers,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.

By the way, although it is sudden, we will revise the price of our products.

As you know, the recent rise in raw material prices has been remarkable.

We have also endeavored to rationalize the production site and have maintained the price so far.

It goes beyond that category.

Therefore, I would like to revise the product price very unwillingly.

Thank you for your understanding.

1. Price revision implementation time
From orders received on November 1, 2021

2. Target product
All handling parts

3. Contact information
TEL 03-3959-6611
Or contact each sales representative.

Sanwa Denshi Co., Ltd.