The PacLED64 is compatible with Directoutput Framework (DOF) for Virtual Pinball cabinets.
- 64 LED channels with 256 brightness levels for full RGB color mixing
- NEW FEATURE! Can be set to flash any or all LEDs at one of 3 rates, without PC control.
- Can be used with single-color or RGB LEDs (RGB use 3 channels)
- Constant current negates the need for resistors for each LED
- Can be used with LEDs with inbuilt resistors if required
- 128-command flash storage for “attract-mode” sequences which run immediately on power-up with no PC present
- Supports single-command fades with preset speed on-board. Multiple fades can overlap
- Comes with power cable for plugging into a PC disk drive power connector, and USB cable
- User-assigned IDs allow multiple boards to be connected
- Extensive software support including test application, Software Development kit for adding support to your own programs, and LedBlinky third-party software
- Compact modular connectivity. Our Ultralux RGB pushbuttons simply plug in. Other harnesses and connectors available.
Kit Contents:
- PacLED64 Board.
- USB Cable
- Power cable for connection to PC HDD power
- 2 x 48-way empty connector housings.
Installation – Connecting LEDS:
- Each LED must have its negative connection (cathode) connected to one of the numbered pins 1-64.
- Each LED must also have its positive (anode) connection connected to one of the supply pins marked “+”. Note it does not matter which of the “+” pins you use as they are all connected together on the board.
- You can daisy-chain multiple LED + connections and connect to one + pin.
- The picture below shows a schematic representation of three LEDs connected to channels 31-33.
Connecting Power & USB:
- The PacLED64 is supplied with a power cable which plugs onto a spare PC power supply hard drive power connector.
- This supplied 5 volts to the board. Also, connect the USB cable to a USB port on the PC.
Alternative Power Options:
- The LED power connector can be powered from another source such as a wall-plug power supply.
- The voltage required depends on LEDs being used.
- Current requirement is 0.02 amps X number of LEDs. (Note each RGB LED counts as 3 LEDs.)
- Ensure CENTER pin on the connector is 5V, BARREL is ground.
- Connector is 5.5mm diameter. 2.1mm pin.
- When you power on the PC, the board will immediately run a script which is pre-loaded in flash. If you have overwritten this with your own script, this will run.
- The pre-loaded script causes all LEDs to sequence in a fade up/down “wave” from 1 to 64. Scripts are repeated continuously.
- When a command is sent by the PC via USB, the script stops running and the command is processed.
- The script is then not run again until the next power-on.
Using the Supplied configuration/test application:
This app is used for the following:
- Testing LEDs and connections by turning LEDs on/off or setting to a specified brightness.
- Creating simple “attract mode” scripts and storing in the on-board flash ROM.
- Assigning an ID to board, when using more than one board.
Settings Tab:
Start/Stop/Run Script:
- When clicked, all subsequent commands will be stored in on-board flash.
- Next time the board is powered on, the script will run and loop forever until a command is sent from the host via USB.
- Clicking “Stop Recording” will end the script storage.
Clear Flash:
- This will cause any stored script to be deleted, so on next power-on, nothing will happen until the host sends commands via USB.
Fade Time:
- This adjusts the time taken to perform a fade.
- A fade occurs whenever the state of a LED changes, ie its brightness is changed or switched off/on.
- This setting affects all subsequent state changes.
- This can be stored in scripts.
Script Step Delay:
- This adjusts the time interval when scripts are being executed.
- This can be stored in a script.
- This is not relevant when sending direct commands from the host.
Brightness Tab:
- On this screen, the brightness of any of the 64 LEDs can be set.
- The command is executed immediately by the board, and if you are storing a script, is also added to the script.
- On the latest version (requires latest firmware) the LED(s) can also be set to flash at one of 3 rates on this screen.
On/Off Tab:
- On this screen, a group of 8 LEDs is set to a pattern. The LEDs are either fully off or fully on.
- There are 8 groups of 8 LEDs. Also, all LEDs can be set to a random pattern.
- The command is executed immediately by the board, and if you are storing a script, is also added to the script.
Software Support.
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