Fighting Board Cable


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ASIN B083JX5H2B Category:
Brook Gaming


Do you need a simple solution to solve all the problems with installing Fighting Board? –  How about a set of Fighting Board Cable.

Brook’s Fighting Board Cable makes it very easy to wire your deck controls up to your Brook Fusion Universal Fighting Board.

Simply plug the 20 pin plug onto the header on the UFB Fusion and wire each button individually.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg
Dimensions 22 × 16 × 4.5 cm



Brook Gaming is a Taiwanese company with over 20 years experience in manufacturing game console accessories,
Brook Gaming


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Connector types included with the Brook Fighting Cable.

Button & Joystick Harness

Common action and option buttons are fully integrated.

The main button cable loom supports 11 buttons & is compatible with mainstream Sanwa Denshi, Seimitsu, or GameFinger buttons.

The 5-pin JST PH connector works with Sanwa JLF-series, Seimitsu LS-series and Hori Hayabusa joysticks.

4-Pin Button Harness (Included)

This 4-pin connector allows R3/L3 simulation.

PS4 touchpad simulation is available with fighting boards supporting the PS4 touchpad function.

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