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Lepy Lp-838 2.1 amps

Additional Lepy-838 2.1 channel amps are on their way and should land in a couple of weeks.

These 3.1 channel amps are most commonly arranged with 2 others to form 6 discrete channels of audio output for SSF (Surround Sound Feeback) inside a Virtual Pinball cabinet.

2 outputs are used for the backbox speakers with the other 4 wired to exciter speakers and placed inside the cabinet where mechanical sounds from the pinball table are rendered.

This provides haptic feedback to the player, further increasing the level of immersion.

Lepy LP 838
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3D Printer Online

3D Printer

We’ve added 3D printing capability to our workshop.

Over the coming weeks we’ll be producing a number of custom products with a focus on Virtual Pinball including plunger mounting brackets, coin door service button assemblies and playfield monitor mounting lugs. 

These new products will be added to the shop after we’ve printed some test units and checked for durability and quality.

The first item off the print bed will be plunger bracket assemblies which allow both genuine Williams / Bally and generic clone plungers to be mounted in cabinets quickly and easily.


Pinscape Plunger
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Incoming Product Alert!

Sanwa logo

We’ve just placed an order for new Sanwa products that will extend our catalogue, and we expect delivery in the next fortnight.

Products include the JLFD detachable shaft joystick, the LB-30N battop in various colours and the JLFD-A key chain.

Secure yours now by placing an order with us and we’ll ship these out to you the moment we get them.

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Product Requests

Virtual Pinball Products

As we continue to build our store, we’d appreciate getting some feedback from new / current customers and community members on products you’d like to see stocked locally. 

If there’s something you’re interested in having us stock, feel free to leave a comment and we’ll investigate the possibility of getting hold of it.

We have a number of deliveries landing this week which we’ll add as soon as they arrive so keep your eye on the store for new items.

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Auspost Delays

Pincade Delivery Truck

Howdy Folks – First up, we’d like to thank our customers for being patient during the current Auspost delivery situation. 

We’re picking / packing and getting it out the door as fast as possible but there may be some delays depending on your location.

We add tracking information to each shipment we post so you can always log into your account and get an idea of the expected delivery time. Hopefully, normal delivery times resume shortly.

Thanks again for supporting us.