Snap-out tool


Warranty: 1 Year

EAN: N/A SKU: N/A Category:


This is a generic 3D printed tool you can use to help remove snap-in buttons from your deck or control panel. Sanwa’s snap-in buttons, particularly their OBSC line, have a well earned reputation for being made from a brittle plastic that has a tendency to break when you try to remove the button. After removing the loom from a button push the outer part of this tool fully down over the button – you’ll feel a bit of resistance as the lugs are pushed in.  Once you have the outer pushed all the way down insert the plunger into the tool and pop your button out! Get ready to catch it.

Also fits Sanwa OBSF, OBSFE, OBSJ and Seimitsu PS-14-D, G, HH-K and PS-15 buttons, along with clone snap-ins.

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 6 cm

24mm, 30mm





Generic Brand


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